We had our very first overnight guests last weekend! The winners: Evan and Courtney!

They came up on Saturday night and stayed through Sunday evening. We had so much fun! They wanted to come because the previous weekend they had found some old Christmas movies on VHS that they wanted to watch with us. We don't have a VCR, so Evan just brought his whole TV with him - ridiculous!
I was thrilled that they found the videos, because they were ones that were lost in the Mysteries of Life - memories that I have that I have no idea what they are because they were such a long time ago (another great example: Bon Bons cereal (little cinnamon buns) - has anyone else ever eaten them??? I've never met anyone who has). Soo the biggest one, that I always think about but never know if it was real or not or what it was, is this weird Christmas movie where these geese are waddling along singing the song "a here we come a wassailing..." ...turns out Evan FOUND THE MOVIE!!! craaaaaziness! It is a Claymation Christmas special. Want to know something even more awesome?? Nathan watched the movie when he was little too - but it scarred him for life and is the reason he hates claymation. Hilarious. (We know now why he was scarred - it is pretty creepy). The other ones we watched are A Garfield Christmas (which in my mind was always Garfield Thanksgiving because they eat a big meal with turkey and my family only does that for Thanksgiving) and Sesame Street Christmas (of which I always remember this part where they all hold hands and skate around in a circle and then Oscar goes flying off the ice, down a few flights of stairs, and lands outside).
We had fun watching the videos, and then later that night we played Monopoly Deal, which Courtney hadn't played before but loved, especially since she really wanted to play regular Monopoly, but that of course takes way too long. I dominated in Monopoly Deal, and I guess you could say I had a monopoly on winning that game. The next day we took them to our church, which was a great one for them to go to since it had all the traditional traditions that are classic "GCPC" - Tobias playing guitar, harmonica worship, old folky songs (including a Christmas one), etc. The only thing we were missing was kids getting to speak up during the children's time at the front. We ate lunch at the Rivermill and then played games the rest of the day - we played Clue and a lot of Wii. Then Evan and Courtney took the myers-briggs test and we analyzed it until they left. I love myers-briggs, it's so interesting, accurate, and informative! Evan is the same type as me, which we suspected (INTP). No wonder we understand each other and get along so well. Since we missed the text at lunch saying that my dad would pay for us, we ordered a pizza with his money for dinner. We had such a fun time actually hanging out with them all four of us, and I can't wait for the next time! (Christmas Eve!!)
Love y'all!