So I said I would be doing more updates but I haven't really felt like it. This past week was so tough! We were learning about MPD which is great but it was very exhausting. Anyways, I wanted to post about one of my favorite things about Colorado - frozen yogurt shops! We went with our life group one night and I ooh'ed and awe'ed about how cool it is that it's self-serve and how I had never been to a frozen yogurt shop until coming out here this summer. A couple of the girls' jaws dropped - you've NEEEVER been to a frozen yogurt shop?? Apparently it's a west-coast thing (they're from California and said they're on practically every block!) And after talking to a few others, even people on the east coast have at least seen or heard of a frozen yogurt shop before, but I honestly never had. The only experience I'd ever had with frozen yogurt is machines where you can get a cone with chocolate, vanilla, or twist. It's also fun because it reminds me of that Mary Kate and Ashley movie (where they went to Australia) and the boys were like "wanna go get some fro-yo?" I thought it was funny that they called it fro yo (and cool, obviously, because MK and A were trendsetters), but thought it was weird because I thought they were just going to get the standard choco/vanilla/twist nastiness (I never liked that stuff). I wonder if I am the ONLY person who has never seen one of these!!
I think it's the coolest thing. I've been to two, and they are within a block from each other! Crazy! The Golden Spoon is delicious - the yogurt is thick, like ice cream, and they have about 10 flavors, which rotate every time you come (good and bad). They have a bunch of toppings but they're 50 cents each. I got a "mini" which was larger than I needed, and I got to pick two flavors (I've tried three - graham cracker, peanut butter, and peppermint). It was about $2 which is not bad.
THEN I discovered Mahalo - a Hawaiian themed restaurant that isn't as nice inside but is a WAY better value.

They only have 8 flavors and they are always the same (as far as I know) but you can get as many flavors as you want,

and since you get it yourself you can decide how much you want (could be bad if you go overboard).

Then (this is the best part) - you can put ANY and ALL toppings you want!! They probably have 40 different toppings. At the end, you just pay per ounce. Sooo if you want lots of lightweight toppings, it doesn't cost very much!! I've been twice and gotten the same thing both times - cake batter and peanut butter frozen yogurt with reeses pieces, oreos, graham crackers, and butterfingers. (It ended up being a little less than $3 both times.) YUMMM!!

This place is perfect because it's only a block from our dorm so we can walk over to hang out with people, go on a date, or take a break from the daily routine (which normally includes free frozen yogurt in the dining hall! Though they only have the standard flavors). I will sad to not have this great hangout option when we go home!
I lost your blog address for a while but I found it and I'm back! Don't worry a new Sweet Frog which is just like Mohato opened in Mechanicsville we will most definitely go there with you guys frequently when you get back! P.S. I want you to get back now so I can show you something :)