I haven't really been in the mood to blog much since we were taking classes hardcore the past two weeks. So I'm forcing myself to now so I remember how fun it is. Yesterday we celebrated Independence Day by going hiking in the Rockies, watching the firework display at City Park, and studying. We enjoying our three-day weekend since we finished our classes on Friday. However, we still had to take our final this morning for one class. So Friday night we went out, Saturday we played games, and Sunday I studied ALL day!! It was great to take a break yesterday, and just study a little at the end of the day. Who makes an exam for the day after fourth of july? I don't know. I'm trying to say Independence Day now instead of the Fourth of July. 4th of July is what it always was to me - just a fun day. Actually I used to not really think about it at all - for about 4 years we were always on a mission trip on July 4, and I could have cared less about missing the holiday. After living in Venezuela, I truly appreciate America now and all the freedoms we have. I don't think you can really appreciate it until you've lived somewhere where the people don't have freedom. So, to America! The best darn country in the world.
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