February 18, 2012


Today I got to pick out another child to sponsor through Compassion!!!! A few months ago I mentioned to Whit I'd really like to be able to sponsor another child, because I love my current sponsorship with Rachael, who is about to be 10 and lives in Uganda. We weren't sure what we were going to do with our finances and weren't getting full paychecks yet, but last week Whit re-evaluated and asked me to pick out another child!! 

I was so excited to get to pick one....but it was SO hard! Fortunately we knew we wanted someone from the Asian region, because Rachael is from Uganda and Whit's child, Jonaton, is from Peru. I got it narrowed down to ten precious children and then let Whit look at them. We easily narrowed it down to three, but then we were stuck. One little boy had been waiting for a sponsor a long time, so we wanted to pick him because of that. I was really interested in the girl because she had on traditional clothing, lives in a village of 400 people who live in bamboo huts, and she likes swimming. The other little boy was simply adorable.

I really wanted to pick a boy because I have already been sponsoring a girl and would love to write letters to a sweet little boy. Whit wanted to pick the boy that had been waiting for the longest, but I had trouble choosing him because I just didn't feel that much connection to him by reading his bio or looking at his picture. I think that's an important factor (while not the only factor). We decided to just stop thinking about it for awhile. I thought about it so much and still couldn't decide, but I couldn't get the cute little boy out of my mind!! I mentioned it to Whit last night and he said we could go with him if I really wanted. I didn't do anything then, but after dinner tonight I looked him up to start sponsoring him. Just to make sure, I decided to look up the other two, in case I wanted to change my mind after looking at them again. Neither of them were there anymore!! So the decision was made clear - we picked Manoj!!

He is a super cute 4 year-old from India who likes playing ball and hide & seek. The village he lives is in need of clean water and modern farming methods, which the Compassion center will help by educating Manoj's parents. I just think he is the most precious little child and I love him so much already!! I can't wait to write him a letter to let him know who we are, and hear from him in the future! :)

1 comment:

  1. What are the grandparents of an adopted Compassion called?? Anyways, I love him too!!!
    I'm happy you have a new adopted child!

