Here's a great exposition on that topic which reminds us that we all - even Christians - need a Savior.
"This highlights a second role of Scripture—namely, pointing our hearts to our
Savior. We tend to limit this dimension of Scripture merely to those who are
outside the Christian faith (i.e., the primary role of Scripture for the
unbeliever is pointing his or her heart toward Christ). We often fail to
recognize that our hearts constantly need to be pointed to Christ as well. As
believers, we are still tempted to make our lives work apart from Christ and
often seek life apart from him in control, influence, approval, performance, or
any number of aternatives. We, therefore, constantly need to be pointed back to
the one in whom alone life can be found. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture
does two things: (1) it exposes our brokenness and (2) points us to our savior."
-Keith Johnson
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