May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I mentioned last Friday was our last day working on the Virginia Tech team on campus. On Thursday we ended the year by going to the Homeplace. Also I forgot to mention that Friday was the one-year anniversary of me coming back from Venezuela! Crazy!
On Saturday my parents came up! They hadn't been here since they helped move me in at the beginning of the year. I'm glad they got to see our place all set up before we move this summer. We took some pictures on the drillfield. :)
Reliving college memories?
We accidentally wore Hokie colors! Perfect for a Hokie pic.

My dad wore his maroon & orange on purpose.
So glad he convinced me to go to Tech!!
My two favorite men! + Hokie grads :)
Love him!

1 comment:

  1. B E S T Mother's Day ever!!! I loved everything about our time together...and I even have two great pairs of earrings to remind me! Thank YOU for everything!!!
    I have been blessed with the most amazing daughter/photographer/earring designer! ;)
