May 6, 2011


May is the start of summer. There are so many great things going on this month to look forward to, so I thought I would post a May Calendar so I can see all the great things that will happen this month! I love summer and getting to travel around doing lots of fun things. Even if it means being very busy, I love being in the sunshine and with good friends. Hope you have fun plans for May too!

May 6 (today!): Our Sixth-Month Anniversary of being married!! AAH I can not believe it's been that long already! It's bizzare that we have now been married longer than we were engaged! We counted down every day and it seemed to take FORever! Now each day flies by as we have nothing to worry out because we finally have each other!Also today we are celebrating by going to see Cirque du Soleil ("Circus of the Sun")! One of my fantasies has been going to Vegas, and every time I look at hotels I see ads for Cirque du Soleil. I never thought I'd be able to go (even if I went to Vegas) because tickets are like $100 each!! Who would ever pay that much for a show?? Well, I'm not putting you down if you have, but I don't think I could bring myself to pay that much. When I was buying tickets for Whit's birthday to go see Brian Regan, I noticed that Cirque du Soleil was coming to ROANOKE, VIRGINIA! What the heck. We watched the preview and were hooked. We got the cheapest seats, which were only $40!! And it's for a prime showtime. YEEES. We love the circus and wish we were performing tonight instead of just watching (we're weird). We can't wait for all the colors and acrobatics! (Also today we finished our year at Tech! It flew by! It's crazy that it's over but I'm ready to move on. Bring on the next step!)Sunday (May 8) is Mother's Day! I love my mom and am so glad I will be able to spend Mother's Day with her this year! My parents are coming on Saturday to hang out with us in our place before we move, and my mom and I are planning to do a Beadsburg date (I've always wanted to take her!). This holiday is extra special this year because I have a new mother-in-law! (And so does Whit!) Don't forget to thank your mom for all she's done for you this Sunday!May 13 will mark the one-year anniversary from when we got engaged! Wow, can you believe it's been a whole year? Okay, you probably don't care that much, but I can't believe it! It's been a great year!!The next few weeks we will be enjoying Blacksburg summer! I don't have a picture but just imagine it - green grass, sunny skies, blue mountains, low humidity, sneaking in to the Village pool, hiking, eating downtown with no rush of students, buying local goods from the farmer's market - oh how I treasure Blacksburg in the summer.

In a few weeks we will go to Virginia Beach! We will see a lot of our good friends - I love hanging out with them!Then the next two weekends will be full of weddings,weddings,and more weddings! Seriously - we are going to four weekends in two weekends! Maybe we are crazy, but they're all on different days so we're planning to go to all of them! Can't wait to celebrate with our good friends in this special season of life!In between those weekends of weddings, we're going to use up our vacation days (we won't get any next year :() and go to Saint Marys!!! My parents have a house there (it's the last exit in Georgia on 95 before you get to Florida) and I've always dreamed of the day Whit and I could vacation there as a married couple!! What a blessing for them to let us use it! It's so bright and beautiful and clean - there's bikes and beach chairs in the garage and a pool at the clubhouse. And I am very ready to take a vacation with Whit where we can get away together (we're doing a lot of traveling this summer but it won't feeeel as much like vacation because we're staying at other people's houses). I miss this Georgian/Floridian atmosphere!Ready for the beach!May lucked out just in time - on the last day of the month we're going to our first Phish show of summer tour! We'll head up to Holmdel, New Jersey to chill out to some crazy jams with other people who love music. All the shows we're going to this summer are outdoors, and we have lawn tickets for all of them (unfortunately), so it will be a great way to celebrate summer - grass under our toes, good music in our ears, colorful lights to watch, and my best friend to take it all in with. :)

Happy May!


  1. I LOVE that marsh shot! Take it in for me!!!
    Happy May - what a packed month of fun!

  2. I'm glad you have (& had) so many fun plans for May! Looks like a great month for you & Whit, what a great start to summer :)
