A few good things worth mentioning that happened lately:
-My dad had a magic trick that fixed my old computer (Seriously - I will share it with you. Take out the battery and unplug the AC adapter so it's not connected to power. Hold down the power button for one minute. That's it - reattach to power and it works like regular! MAGIC!)
-When Nicole and I got together for lunch last week in Carytown someone bought our lunch for us! By someone, I mean a mystery person. The waitress handed us back our cards after giving them to her to pay and told us our lunch had been paid for! (No, we weren't being hit on...we think it was these ladies/mom & daughter sitting next to us who had overheard us talking about being on staff and woes of raising support)
-I got a bass!! We got to borrow Whit's friend's old bass when we visited his parents last night. Just in time for the move! So now we don't have to find an old crappy one off Craigslist. Score!
-My sweet Mops co-worker made up a basket of move-in essentials and gave it to me since today was my last week of babysitting. SO thoughtful!!
That was so sweet of the mom and daughter at lunch (if it was them)! The other news is great too, especially about the computer!