March 3, 2012

Shiny, New, Fast...


Sadly yesterday my computer died. It has been struggling for the past few months, going in and out of consciousness occasionally. I had problems with overheating (used a cooling pad), battery (bought a giant battery that doesn't fit in the computer or last as long as it's supposed to) and power (AC adapter is VERY finnicky) so I don't move my laptop around AT ALL. It stays put, right on my desk. I will NEVER move it for fear of not being able to find the right spot for it to charge again. But now the worst problem happened - motherboard failure. This actually happened before and when it did, it fortunately turned back on again several days later. I backed up EVERYTHING onto my external hard drive. That was scary! I updated my hard drive a few times after that, trying to keep it up to date. But since it randomly shut off yesterday, it hasn't so much as blinked. Well, maybe it blinked. The screen got bright but still black, and then shut off again. 

I had had enough, so yesterday we were off to buy a new computer. I had already looked around so my choice was easy. Now I have a laptop that can actually sit on my lap!! Oh my gosh, what a novel idea! It is pretty and white, and has an i5 processor so it's super fast. It will be my work computer (and potentially my home computer as well if my old one doesn't shape up soon) so I wanted it to be fast and have a lot of storage space. The battery lasts forever too! I am currently downloading 28 gigs of pictures onto it from my external hard drive - just the essentials. ;) I finally figured out my iTunes password (I kept guessing the security question wrong! Are you kidding me??), but Whit's version of Microsoft Office doesn't have the full 15-character security key so I don't have any documents yet. Hmm. There's also a lot of important time-sensitive work stuff that I need to get off of my old computer, so, here's to hoping that it turns on again some day!!

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