March 3, 2012


I'm excited for March! This is going to be a great month. We have lots going on - Whit is the best man at a wedding in Dallas, we move into our new apartment the next weekend, it's Whit's birthday, we will hopefully get to go pick up Tela cat, and then my parents visit. Phew! It should be great though! Here is what I want to see happen:

-continue working out (running and toning) - twice per week
-get tickets to all 3 nights of the atlantic city festival
-have a lot of fun at Adam's wedding
-finish reading Through Gates of Splendor for training
-hang out or skype with everyone I've been meaning to (or at least some!)
-get to 90% of our support raised by the time we move
-MOVE!! (on St. Patrick's Day) 
-don't get snowed in before we have a chance to buy groceries & set up utilities
-plan a great birthday party for Whit
-get a cat!! meow
-get everything set up in our new place in the days we are taking off
-become an official PA resident (license, tags, voting, etc.)
-enjoy a whole weekend off!!!!
-try out an awesome church
-have a great time with my parents
-finish reading Money, Possessions, & Eternity
-start reading The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
-beat my game in Harvest Moon :)

Wow that's a lot. Alright, let's take a look at January's goals. (Yeah, I didn't make any for February.) I didn't accomplish most of what was on that list, but that's okay - I think whether you accomplish all your goals or not, it's very helpful to make them because you'll be more productive than if you didn't. Like I played piano more after making the goals, even though I didn't play every day. Here's what did happen (including February):
-We are at 85%
-I finished reading 2 books (not Atlas Shrugged or the Hunger Games...I decided to take a break from them because I don't think they would be good for me mentally, at least right now)
-I did a quiet time most days and prayed more
-Whit and I made more time for each other
-I worked out once a week except for maybe one time
-I've been taking my vitamins
-I learned to curl my hair! This actually was a goal for January, I just didn't write it down
-I set an all-time record in online Settlers - over 100 points for the month of February!! I'm so impressed with myself because I used to always have like below negative 50. It was sad. I'm wicked good at strategy now though, don't mess with me in a game of Settlers, ha.

March....let's go!

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