This great man is finally back with me!! My hubs was out of town all last week for a business conference, and now I have him all to myself again! If you didn't know, he is going to the Financial Professional for our region in Cru when we move up to Philadelphia. Right now we're raising support before we start our new jobs, but Whit got to go to Orlando last week for the finance conference. It turned out to be a great experience - he met/made friends with the other finance pro's (including older married men with kids - crazy), learned TONS about his new job (and now knows that the job has enough responsibility for about 2 1/2 people's worth of work!! - yikes), and got to go to Disney for free! I had a great week too - worked a lot and got to talk to/hang out with lots of friends! A few highlights - I stayed with Morgan in Lynchburg for a couple of nights (her apartment is like a 30 second walk from J.Crew so you better believe I bought a few things ;)) and got to see Evan & Courtney's new apartment, and got to skype with Laura in Spain! But now that Whit's back I get to hug him a lot, listen to him play piano, and watch the next season of Friends! :)
Another thing I've done recently is narrow our wedding pictures down from 1633 to 308 to make a big wedding album/book with all my absolute favorites. We're getting an album from our photographer, but could only have FIFTY pictures!! How is that possible?? (She had like 80 just on her blog post!) So I wanted to make another one for us (ahem, me) to look at and to show people that has more images from the day. I finally did it after months (I would do it one day for a few hours and then be so sick of choosing pictures that I couldn't do it again for weeks), and now I can finally start making the album!! Don't worry though, it's all fun for me. Although it is HARD WORK choosing between 12 pictures that are almost exactly the same. You are constantly asking "do I want the one where my smile is pretty but it's kind of crooked, or the one where the lighting is better but the bottom of my dress is cut off?" - uggh! Anyways, in the process I decided upon my favorite wedding picture:
:) :) (isn't he so cute and happy??)
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