January 12, 2012

My Ring

I took your advice, mom. I got out of the house and took a walk. I brought my camera along and took some pictures of my engagement ring. It was great to walk around outside and it was actually pretty nice out! I came out with some pretty good ring shots, despite not having a macro lens. Here are my favorites!

just a little love for tacori ;)

(yes, i would love to take shots of YOUR ring if you would like sometime! just ask :))


  1. They are all so pretty! I really like the one with the moss, your diamond really seems to pop in that one! And one day, in the far away future, when I have a ring you can definitely take pictures of it :)

  2. Great pics, Sydni. What a great idea!!

    Aunt Mimi

  3. BEEE-AUTIFUL!!!! Yes, take pics of mine! What a great idea! (need it for insurance purposes too....might pull out some others for you to photograph.)
    Glad you had a nice day outdoors....I love the ivy and moss shots! You have quite the eye.

  4. Very creative Syd!! Love all the pictures! Yes, I'll let you take a picture of the diamond Vaughn gave me on our 40th anniversary... THANKS FOR THE PICTURES...KEEP UP THE GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY! Love to both, Aunt Peggy
