November 9, 2011

Thankful for Opportunities to Serve

I wasn't sure if it was ever going to happen again...but I am doing another "thankful" post! I guess posting our anniversary counts, but I did want to do more explicitly thankful posts about more random things in my life.

Anyways...tonight we helped out with the high school youth group at our church. I shouldn't even really call it helping out...we just showed up and didn't do too much, just led a small group breakout session after the lesson (hellooo rhyme). We didn't get there early enough to hang out with the students beforehand, so I was hoping they would break out into groups afterwards so we'd get a chance to talk to them. 

One of the adults that had led a group before wasn't there this week, so we got her group, and they were so great! They just opened right on up to us! Like I mean, sharing real, personal stuff. It was so awesome! It was so different than when we were in youth group. The time was focused on Biblical knowledge way more than what's going on in your life. And as far as my friends and I went, we didn't have that serious of problems going on. But these kids felt totally comfortable sharing with us, which was really cool. They also sounded very serious about their faith, talking about praying more throughout the day, sharing their faith, and just encouraging one another. 

I'm so glad we got to go tonight; we're normally working Wednesday nights but this week was slower for us. We're trying to help get a mentoring program started with the high school students, so we wanted to kind of scope out the situation. I would definitely say there are some guys and girls would benefit from it and be interested (hopefully!).

I am so glad tonight went so well, and even though I was looking forward to getting involved in our church more through the mentoring program, I'm even more excited about meeting with the girls now because the ones I met are wonderful! Praise the Lord that this is working out so well - the lady from our church is trying to start this up and we are here at just the right time, to offer help to them with what mentoring looks like (because that was our job the past two years!), and it's the perfect way for us to get involved for the time that we're here.

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