December 13, 2011

13th Day of Christmas: Tacky Light Tour

I have always wanted to do Richmond's Tacky Light Tour. Whit and I have already had a couple of great Christmas dates - Christmas Town and Jazz Nativity, but when we knew we had the night off tonight, we spontaneously planned a tacky light tour. I suggested we go look at lights, but I was thinking just drive around in the neighborhoods near us. Whit looked up the addresses of the houses on the tacky light tour, and chose a route for us so that it wouldn't take too long. We saw 10 houses, ranging from pretty medium to very extreme. The route we took was perfect! We started off with some semi-lame houses and ended with the most spectacular house of lights I've seen thus far in my life. We thought it would be a contest to determine which one was the best, but the last house was by far the winner! 

(We didn't count the very last one; we've already seen it because it's only a few houses away from ours! It used to be legendary for me because it was the most lights and crap I'd ever seen in one lawn! It has way less stuff this year, at least from what I remember, so in comparison to the others we saw tonight it was pretty good but not ridiculous.)

Here's the tour! I'll include the awards we gave each place.
#1 (no award)
#2 (no award)
#3 tasteful for a small area
#4 abnormal things, including zebra, st. bernard, and sports signs
#5 most stuff & well organized
bonus! all lights
#6 lights on the ground & spiky tree
#7 discovery channel (had a teenage guy making weird sounds off to the side...not part of the scene at all but we thought it was weird/funny)
#8 highest volume of lights. as soon as we saw this from a distance we thought FOR SURE it would win because of the volume of lights (it's basically a cube of lights) but we hadn't seen the next one yet
haha people next to the winner: "what's the point --> ditto"
#9 guess the song
#9 lights in jars
#9 guest book & list of cities & countries people visited from (there were TWO full pages!!)
#9 - insane!!
#9 - need i say more? clearly the winner!!
#9 mistletoe
#9 rudolf
#9 mistletoe
#9 my favorite kind of lights
and the winner is....#9!! SOOO many things & lights but it all looked so beautiful because the colors matched & most of the decorations were handmade
#9 left side
#10 in our neighborhood! it had a drive through!

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