We re-captured the ambiance of an almost-gone memory of olden days by taking our tea in the same conservatory, overlooking a pool and accompanied by bagpipes that I'm not sure existed at the time the millionaires vacationed. Jekyll delighted us with a fantastic sunset, the third I've seen since I've been here if you recall. This whole trip has been a wonderful blessing so far; I have been taking advantage of the time with my family and most relaxing of weather during this perfect Christmas vacation.
the largest cottage ever built |
people playing croquet in front of the main building |
i LOVE the trees!! |
bagpiper we saw and heard from our tea room |
lit up for christmas |
we also overlooked the pool |
pretty pinecone decorations that my mom and i will copy next year! |
red robius ? tea |
LOTS of yummy petit fours! |
their pre-hawaii hawaii picture |
Your photos seriously look worthy of a travel magazine! What a beautiful island!